Thursday, August 31, 2006
I think this blog thing is going to be neat. Here are some sunset pics from the last week. If you click on one..a bigger version shows up..

The first one is from the top of Flagstaff Mt just west of Boulder and the 2 others are southeast of town out by the Wind Energy lab.. looking up Eldorado Canyon

The first one is from the top of Flagstaff Mt just west of Boulder and the 2 others are southeast of town out by the Wind Energy lab.. looking up Eldorado Canyon
First post:
This is my first post.. lets see how this thing works.. I've been wanting to start a website but know nothing about html programming so here I am..~ doin' the ready-made/ stamped- out-like-a-house-in-suburbia blog thing..I think a blog will suffice while I'm learning about photoshop and image manipulation, and until I can fire up an 'official' website to try to sell images.. It will also be the perfect way to let people and friends know what's going on.. so, this will be fun. ~At least it might give folks who stop by something to laugh about.. 

plus it's free..gotta dig it when it's free..
Here's me.. and also one of Nuka, the 11 yo wonder dog.. my full-time partner in crime since puppy-hood..