Jellystone and Big Sky

During the break in school I got to go up to Big Sky with my friend Amanda.. She is a PA, and had a wilderness medical conference up there.. so I got to go while the hospital she works for schlepped the bill.. I got to ride everyday at the resort, which helped for the Ultra 100, while she took seminars in the a.m. It was such a good trip.. Montana, or 'Montucky' as I like to call it, is an amazing place... ~got to love an area where you literally can see a moose or a grizzly bear on the trail.. and there are natural hot tubs everywhere.
One of the days, we drove down to Jellystone... it was a qwik trip but lots of fun. Took lots of pics in about 9hrs.. if I had one week, I could probably find some amazing stuff to point a lens at..
I'm going to head back up later in Sept. to shoot Website pics for a friend's Flyfishing ranch;, so I'll have some more time to tool around the Park with less people around..
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