Wednesday, September 27, 2006
About Me
- Name: Mike Chilcoat
- Location: Boulder/ Nederland, Colorado, United States
Previous Posts
- Switchin' Seasons
- A little color for the new blog
- Jellystone and Big Sky
- 06 Ultra 100
- Titus/MaxM
- More images from the Phoenix shoot...and a few mo...
- A little B&W:
- I think this blog thing is going to be neat. Here ...
- First post:
Web Counter
Wow! Love the mix between B&W and color. Makes the color stand out even more. The ranch shots definitely make you want to hang out up there...and fetch with the dog. The Ti weld is awesome. Thanks for sharin' the images and the good livin'
Jules... behave!... Yeah Baby!!
nice pieces. i've hooked up with a gallery recently and i'm encouraging them to browse my links. who knows what it may bring. hope you don't mind, but i've added you to my blog roll.
Hey Mary.. thanks again. should have another post soon up soon I've tried to check out your blog/links but can't access them.. am I doing something wrong? or are they not available for the public? just wondering.
hi mike, could you be more specific. where you trying to click on some of the links on my sidebar? or click on the different meters on the sidebar? if it was the meters and stats, those lock down. if it was the links on the sidebar, you should be able to go directly to those sites. if there is a problem thanks for letting me know with which sites.
Mary, I googled your name and finally found it! I thought I should've been able to click on your name, here in the comments, and it would take me right to your link.. but it doesn't. I'll spend some time at your site and look around. Thanks so much for adding me to your blog roll!
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